
temtem's complexity is far beyond its simple appearance. On the surface it seems like a cheap Spanish Pokemon clone, but under the hood is a fascinating set of rules with a variety that's hard to appreciate. Miraculously, temtem is able to pull off this sophistication while still remaining relatively balanced.

Here's some numbers to try to get a grasp of the complexity:

164 monsters, with 7 static base stats, each with 7 unique sv stats 1-50 randomly, and 7 tv stats gained through training 1-500, with one of 2 traits out of a pool of 181 trait, with 4 techniques out of a pool of 308 techniques, and with 1 or 2 types of a pool of 12 elemental types. that's at least 37.6 billion basic variations just right out of the gate not even being specific. 

then during a competitive battle, players take turns banning 2 of 8 within their deck, and choosing 5 to bring to the battle.

during a battle, each turn players must make two choices, one for each of their pair of monsters. possible choices are 1 of the 4 moves, resting, or swapping (6 choices, twice) while the exact condition of the opponent is slowly revealed. so basically there's a lot of guesses in an uncertain environment which is gradually becoming more known as time progresses.

also, each combatant monster is holding an item from a pool 59 gear items.

Sheriff T (blue) vs benjimo (orange) 1-21-2023

orange wins

pre-tournament warmup

Baboong Tental vs Saipat Osukai

Osukan Raize Vulor vs Shuine Gyalis Capyre


orange's Osukai HOOK Baboong for 7% and +2 atk

blue's Baboong HEATUP for +3 atk

blue's Tental BETABURST Saipat for 274 points 57%

orange's Saipat STARE Baboong for -2 def and 1 alert


blue did 57% and +3 atk

orange did 7% and +2 atk, 1 alert, -2 def (+4% def +4% sdef)

blue wins turn 1


A melee against a mental turn 1 can be deadly for the melee.


blue swaps Baboong for Osukan

orange swaps Saipat for Gyalis

blue's Tental BETABURST Gyalis for 139 points 32% 

(Gyalis mirror Tental for 13% and recovers 26 points 6%)

orange's Osukai TOUGHEN for +4 def


blue did 26%

orange did 13% and +4 def (+4% def +4% sdef)

orange wins turn 2

(blue's done 83% and +3 atk)

(orange's done 20% and +2 atk, 1 alert, -2 def, +4 def, +8% def +8% sdef)


Swapping to Gyalis turn 2 for mirror damage is nice!

Opening with Gyalis is maybe a waste of the mirror trait?


blue swaps Tental for Raize for -1 spd, -1 spd

(Raize's mom's lunch exhaust 1, exhaust 1, exhaust 1)

orange's Gyalis CRYSTALBITE Raize for 13%

blue's Osukan NITOSEIHO Gyalis for 140 points 33% and -1 def

(Gyalis nut bar recovers 18 points 4%)

orange's Osukai 5PPEH Osukan for 5 doom 5 immune


blue did 29% and -1 def, -2 spd, 2 exhaust

orange did 13% and 5 doom, 5 immune, 1 exhaust (+4% def +4% sdef)

orange wins turn 3 (barely, because doom is technically 20% dmg)

(blue's done 112% and +3 atk, -1 def, -2 spd, 2 exhaust)

(orange's done 33%, 5 doom and +2 atk, 1 alert, 5 immune, -2 def, +4 def, +12% def +12% sdef)


A doom 5 is basically 20% damage over 5 turns.

A doom 4 is basically 25% damage over 4 turns.

So, for example, a 30% damage is better than a doom 4.


orange swaps Gyalis for Capyre

orange's Osukai EARTHBREAKER Raize for 84% but overexerts 65 points (16%)

blue's Osukan UPPERCUT Capyer 104 points (25%)

blue's Raise RAMPAGE capyre 44 points Osukai 22 points (11% and 5%)


blue did 57%

orange did 84% (plus previous doom's technical 20%) (+4% def +4%def)

orange wins turn 4

(blue's done 169% and +3 atk, -1 def, -2 spd, 2 exhaust)

(orange's done 117% 5 doom and +2 atk, 1 alert, 5 immune, -2 def, +4 def, +16% def +16% sdef)


A supereffective EARTHBREAKER can do 84% damage.

My Osukai has 204 def and 168 sdef.

by the end of turn 4 he has 236 def and 194 sdef.


blue swaps Raize for Vulor

orange's Capyre KICK Vulor for 6%

blue's Osukan NITOSEIHO Capyre 135 points (32%) and -1 def

orange's Osukai rests (body stretch +41 (9%) +42 (10%))


blue did 13% and -1 def

orange did 6% (plus previous doom's technical 20%) (+4% def +4%def)

blue wins turn 5 (unless you count previous doom as damage, then orange)

(blue's done 182% and +3 atk, -2 def, -2 spd, 2 exhaust)

(orange has done 123% 5 doom and +2 atk, 1 alert, 5 immune, -2 def, +4 def, +20% def +20% sdef)


Kick is a worthless move.


orange swaps Capyre for Shuine

blue swaps Vulor for Raize for -1 spd (Shuine's guardian) 2 exhuast

orange's Osukai 5PPEH Raize for 5 doom 5 immune (oof was already dead)

(over exhaust for 30 points (7%)

blue's Osukan rests.


blue did 7% and -1 spd, 2 exhaust

orange did 5 doom, 5 immune (+4% def +4%def)

blue wins turn 6

(blue's done 189% and and +3 atk, -2 def, -3 spd, 4 exhaust)

(orange's done 123% 10 doom and +2 atk, 1 alert, 10 immune, -2 def, +4 def, +24% def +24% sdef)


Doom on a 100% is 20% damage, but doom on a 3% is .6% damage.

If they have mom's lunch and they swap them out, they'll probably swap in again.

His Vulor was out for 1 turn, then he swapped back to Raize to do the demoralize and mom's lunch again.


orange's Shuine FLUIDBARRIER Osukai +2 sdef, 3 immune 

blue's Osukan NITOSEIHO Shuine for 287 points (74%) and -1 def

(Shuine's reactive vial heals 31 points (8%) and 2 null)

blue's Raize RAMPAGE Shuine for 51 points (13%) and  21 points (5%)

orange's Osukai rests (body stretch +42 (10%) but immune blocks regen)

doom claims Osukan

blue plays Baboong


blue did 74% -1 def

orange did +2 sdef, 3 immune (plus previous doom's technical 20%) (+4% def +4%def) ddom death.

blue wins turn 7

(blue's done 263% and and +3 atk, -3 def, -3 spd, 4 exhaust)

(orange's done 123% 10 doom and +2 atk, 1 alert, 2 null, 13 immune, -2 def, +2sdef +4 def, +28% def +28% sdef (1 KO))


Fluid Barrier prevents body stretch from its full +20% hp.


blue's Baboong UPPERCUT Shuine KO 76 points 20%

orange's Osukai HOOK Raize KO 3% +2 atk

blue plays Tental (moral boost whip +2 spd to Baboong)

orange plays Gyalis


blue did KO 20%, +2 spd

orange did KO 3%, +2 atk

blue wins turn 8

(blue's done 283% and and +3 atk, +2 spd, -3 def, -3 spd, 4 exhaust (1 KO)

(orange's done 126% 10 doom and +4 atk, 1 alert, 2 null, 13 immune, -2 def, +2sdef +4 def, +28% def +28% sdef (2 KO))


Using damage to KO a doom'd tem is a waste of resources.


blue swaps Tental for Vulor

blue's Baboong EARTHWAVE Gyalis KO 199 pts (47%), Osukai 74 pts (18%)

orange's Osukai 5PPEH Vulor for 5 doom 5 immune

(Osukai ox's 65 pts (16%) )

orange plays Saipat


blue did 81%

orange did 5 doom 5 immune (plus previous doom's technical 18%) (+4% def +4%def)

blue wind turn 9

(blue's done 364% and and +3 atk, +2 spd, -3 def, -3 spd, 4 exhaust (2 KO)

(orange's done 126% 15 doom and +4 atk, 1 alert, 2 null, 18 immune, -2 def, +2sdef +4 def, +32% def +32% sdef (2 KO))


Baboong, a melee, has Earthwave, a strong rock type move. 


blue swaps Baboong for Tental (whip +1 spd)

orange's Saipat WATERBLADE Vulor 84% (Vulor's DoubleScreen stops the KO)

blue's Vulor EXTINCTION 4 doom (x3)

Orange's Osukai rests. (+10% +10%)


blue did +1 spd 8 doom

orange did 84%, 4 doom (20% heal without taking damage)

orange wins turn 10

(blue's done 344% and and +3 atk, +3 spd, -3 def, -3 spd, 4 exhaust, 8 doom (2 KO)

(orange's done 210% 19 doom and +4 atk, 1 alert, 2 null, 18 immune, -2 def, +2sdef +4 def, +36% def +36% sdef (2 KO))


Extinction is kinda a crappy doom move. 


orange's Saipat WATERBLADE Vulor for 10% KO

(Tental's Avegner gives it +2 SATK +2 SPD)

!!! blue's Tental HYPNOSIS Osukai for 2 zZz !!!

blue plays Baboong


blue did 2 zZz, +2 satk, +2 spd

orange did 10% +4% def +4% sdef

orange wins turn 11

(blue's done 344% and and +3 atk, +5 spd, -3 def, -3 spd, 2 zzz, 4 exhaust, 8 doom (2 KO)

(orange's done 220% 19 doom and +4 atk, 1 alert, 2 null, 18 immune, -2 def, +2sdef +4 def, +40% def +40% sdef (3 KO))


Hypnosis + Body Stretch can clear doom. xD

I only won because his mental never did a beta burst to Osukai.


orange's Saipat NINJAJUTSU Baboong 47%

blue's Tental BETABURST Saipat 199 pts (42%) KO

blue's Baboong rests.

orange's Osukai rests.

(body strech's regn pushes away doom, +10% +10%, 1 alert)

orange plays Capyre


blue did 22%

orange did 47%, 1 alert (+4% def +4%def) (plus doom's technical 20%)

orange wins turn 12

(blue's done 366% and and +3 atk, +5 spd, -3 def, -3 spd, 2 zzz, 4 exhaust, 8 doom (3 KO)

(orange's done 267% 19 doom and +4 atk, 2 alert, 2 null, 18 immune, -2 def, +2sdef +4 def, +44% def +44% sdef (3 KO))


Using damage to KO a doom'd tem is a waste of resources.

If he would have did beta burst to Osukai instead of Hypnosis, then beta burst to Osukai instead of Saipat, Osukai would be dead.

I only won because of his blunder.

Shouldn't have bothered to do extinction because the only benefit was for me to kill his Tental.


blue's Baboong INTIMIDATION 2 exhaust 2 exhaust 1 evade

blue's Tental BETABURST Capyre 135 pts (32%) KO

orange's Osukai EARTHBREAKER but Baoong evades.

(Osukai ox's -40 pts (9%) )

doom claims blue's Tental KO


blue did 32%, 4 exhaust, 1 evade

orange did nothing (+4% def +4%def)doom death 

blue won turn 13

(blue's done 398% and and +3 atk, +5 spd, -3 def, -3 spd, 1 evade, 2 zzz, 8 exhaust, 8 doom (4 KO)

(orange's done 267% 19 doom and +4 atk, 2 alert, 2 null, 18 immune, -2 def, +2sdef +4 def, +48% def +48% sdef (4 KO))


Should focus on taking out the guy who keeps growing instead of the supports. 

Osukai's been out for 13 turns and now has 304 def and 248 sdef, not to mention buffs, plus he's at full heath, and can regenerate.


blue's Baboong UPPERCUT Osukai 69 pts (17%)

orange's Osukai rests. (+20%)


blue did nothing

orange did +3 health (+4% def +4%def)

orange wins turn 14.

(blue's done 395% and and +3 atk, +5 spd, -3 def, -3 spd, 1 evade, 2 zzz, 8 exhaust, 8 doom (4 KO)

(orange's done 267% 19 doom and +4 atk, 2 alert, 2 null, 18 immune, -2 def, +2sdef +4 def, +52% def +52% sdef (4 KO))


Should have killed the thing with building blocks that's been out since turn one.


blue's Baboong HEAT UP +3 atk

orange's Osukai 5PPEH Baboong for 5 doom 5 immune


blue did + 3 atk 

orange did 5 doom 5 immune (+4% def +4%def)

orange wins turn 15

(blue's done 395% and and +6 atk, +5 spd, -3 def, -3 spd, 1 evade, 2 zzz, 8 exhaust, 8 doom (4 KO)

(orange's done 267% 24 doom and +4 atk, 2 alert, 2 null, 23 immune, -2 def, +2sdef +4 def, +52% def +52% sdef (4 KO))


I played conservatively at the end, doing the doom move, then focused on staying alive, instead of trying to race to death.


blue's Baboong UPPERCUT Osukai 90 pts (22%)

orange's Osukai TOUGHEN +4 def, ox'd 45 pts (11%)


blue did 33%

orange did +4 def (+4% def +4%def)

blue wins turn 16

(blue's done 428% and and +6 atk, +5 spd, -3 def, -3 spd, 1 evade, 2 zzz, 8 exhaust, 8 doom (4 KO)

(orange's done 267% 24 doom and +4 atk, 2 alert, 2 null, 23 immune, -2 def, +2sdef +8 def, +56% def +56% sdef (4 KO))


It paid off to go conservatively because the heat up bumped it to 22% and I'd only be able to heal 20%.


blue's Baboong rests.

orange's Osukai rests. +20% (+4% def +4%def)


orange wins turn 17

(blue's done 408% and and +6 atk, +5 spd, -3 def, -3 spd, 1 evade, 2 zzz, 8 exhaust, 8 doom (4 KO)

(orange's done 267% 24 doom and +4 atk, 2 alert, 2 null, 23 immune, -2 def, +2sdef +8 def, +60% def +60% sdef (4 KO))




blue's Baboong UPPERCUT Osukai 61 pts (15%) [last time was 22% lol]

orange's Osukai HOOK Baboong  7% +2 atk


blue wins turn 18, but the war is over.

(blue's done 423% and and +6 atk, +5 spd, -3 def, -3 spd, 1 evade, 2 zzz, 8 exhaust, 8 doom (4 KO)

(orange's done 274% 24 doom and +6 atk, 2 alert, 2 null, 23 immune, -2 def, +2sdef +8 def, +60% def +60% sdef (4 KO))


Defense +4 is better than Attack +3


Baboong tries earth wave, but it's not enough.  56 pts 13%

doom claims Baboong.

orange wins.


Final Stats

blue's done 436% and and +6 atk, +5 spd, -3 def, -3 spd, 1 evade, 2 zzz, 8 exhaust, 8 doom (5 KO)

orange's done 274% 24 doom and +6 atk, 2 alert, 2 null, 23 immune, -2 def, +2sdef +8 def, +60% def +60% sdef (4 KO)


A melee against a mental turn 1 can be deadly for the melee.

Swapping to Gyalis turn 2 for mirror damage is nice!

Opening with Gyalis is maybe a waste of the mirror trait?

A doom 5 is basically 20% damage over 5 turns.

A doom 4 is basically 25% damage over 4 turns.

So, for example, a 30% damage is better than a doom 4.

A supereffective EARTHBREAKER can do 84% damage.

My Osukai has 204 def and 168 sdef.

by the end of turn 4 he has 236 def and 194 sdef.

Kick is a worthless move.

Doom on a 100% is 20% damage, but doom on a 3% is .6% damage.

If they have mom's lunch and they swap them out, they'll probably swap in again.

His Vulor was out for 1 turn, then he swapped back to Raize to do the demoralize and mom's lunch again.

Fluid Barrier prevents body stretch from its full +20% hp.

Using damage to KO a doom'd tem is a waste of resources.

Baboong, a melee, has Earthwave, a strong rock type move. 

Extinction is kinda a crappy doom move. 

Hypnosis + Body Stretch can clear doom. xD

I only won because his mental never did a betaburst to Osukai.

Using damage to KO a doom'd tem is a waste of resources.

If he would have did beta burst to Osukai instead of Hypnosis, then beta burst to Osukai instead of Saipat, Osukai would be dead.

I only won because of his blunder.

Shouldn't have bothered to do extinction because the only benefit was for me to kill his Tental.

Should focus on taking out the guy who keeps growing instead of the supports. 

Osukai's been out for 13 turns and now has 304 def and 248 sdef, not to mention buffs, plus he's at full heath, and can regenerate.

Should have killed the thing with building blocks that's been out since turn one.

I played conservatively at the end, doing the doom move, then focused on staying alive, instead of trying to race to death.

It paid off to go conservatively because the heat up bumped it to 22% and I'd only be able to heal 20%.


Defense +4 is better than Attack +3.

Tisosh vs Sheriff T 11-14-2023 Game Analysis

BLUE: Sheriff T
Mouflank (Pride Week)
Raican (Horns Mcge)
Koish (Licky)
Loali (Ball)
Nessla (Volgon)

Zenoreth (left behind)
Minothor (banned)
Turoc (banned)
(Sherrif T has epic nicknames btw)

ORANGE: Tisosh

Golzy (left behind)
Shaolant (banned)
Capyre (banned)


Hedgine P. BEAM Horns Mcge 81.4 (this is remaining health)

Pride Week QUETZA Arachnyte 63.5

Horns Mcge B.JUMP Arachnyte 39.0

Arachnyte C.SPIKES Horns Mcge 37.4


Hedgine GENERIFY self 2 null

Horns Mcge GORING Arachnyte 8.3

Arachnyte KNOCKBACK Horns Mcge KO

Sheriff T plays Volgon


Pride Week RUSH Arachnyte KO

Hedgine P. BEAM Volgon 81.8

Volgon W. BLADE Hegine 63.4

Tisosh plays Tateru


Sheriff T swaps Pride Week for Ball

Hedgine GENERIFY self 2 null

Tateru EE. SLAM Ball 34.9

Ball GUST Hedgine KO

(still transcribing this)

Koenders vs Durk

Game 1

Tyranak Nagaise Tulcan Gharunder Momo

Ukama Minothor Mudrid Tuvine Kalabyss


SWAP Nagaise for Gharunder (he swaps Nagaise like game 1 vs Raketo)

SWAP Minothor for Kalabyss

Tyranak SHARP LEAF Ukama -47 (this is how much damage)

Ukama WATER CANNON Tyranak -27, poisoned 2


SWAP Ukama for Minothor

Gharunder NOX BOMB Minothor -45

Kalabyss TOXIC INK Tyranak -26

Tyranak METEOR SWARM -28


SWAP Minothor for Tuvine (minothor was just a sponge for damage)

SWAP Tyranak for Momo

Gharunder PIEZO BLOW Tuvine -29

Kalabyss TOXIC INK Momo -17, poisoned 2


SWAP Tuvine for Mudrid (maybe to get hold on Tuvine)

Momo KNOCKBACK Mudrid -92!!!

Gharunder DEFIBRILLATE Kalabyss -22

Kalabyss STRANGLE Gharunder -7


SWAP Momo for Tulcan

SWAP Gharunder for Nagaise

Mudrid DUST VORTEX Tulcan -64

Kalabyss REST.


SWAP Tulcan for Gharunder

SWAP Mudrid for Tuvine

Kalabyss TSUNAMI -8 (was hoping to catch Tulcan)

Nagaise NAGAISE'S FURY -50


Nagaise PSY URGE Tuvine -23

Gharunder DEFIB Tuvine DEAD

Kalabyss REST.

Mudrid is played.


SWAP Mudrid for Ukama

Kalabyss TOXIC INK Nagaise -42


Gharunder NOX BOMB Ukama DEAD

Mudrid is played.

Tulcan is played.


SWAP Gharunder for Tyranak

SWAP Kalabyss for Minothor

Mudrid CRYSTAL DELUGE Tyranak -8


Kalabyss is played.


Tulcan TORNADO Kalabyss DEAD

Minothor HASTE LUNGE Tulcan DEAD

Tyranak sleeps.

Gharunder is played.


Durk concedes.

Koenders vs Raketo

Game 2

Myx Tulcan Tyranak Momo Turoc

Tuvine Granpah Valiar Skunch Tateru


SWAP Tuvine for Valiar

Tulcan FIERY SOUL Valiar -33 (this is how much damage)


Granpah STARE Myx -2 DEF



Myx CRYSTAL SPIKES self??? -74


Tateru is played.


SWAP Tulcan for Turoc

Granpah HYPNOSIS Turoc

Tateru EXTRA E SLAM Turoc -31

Myx REFRESH self +8


Granpah STARE Turoc -2 DEF

Turoc TURBINE Tateru -41

Tateru MAJOR SLASH Turoc -64


Tuvine is played.


SWAP Turoc for Tulcan


Tuvine NOX BOMB Tulcan -26

Myx REFRESH self +8


Granpah H.K. STRIKE Tulcan -63

Tuvine NOX BOMB Tulcan DEAD 

Myx PSY URGE Granpah -78

Tyranak is played.


Granpah STARE Tyranak -2 DEF

Tuvine NOX BOMB Tyranak -53


Tyranak EMBERS Tuvine -45

Skunch is played.


SWAP Tyranak for Momo

Tuvine NOX BOMB Momo -24

Myx ENERGY MANIP Skunch DEAD (insta-kill)

Raketo concedes.

Koenders vs Raketo

Game 1

Nagaise Osukai


Tuvine Granpah


Swap Nagaise for Momo

Tuvine C Plume Gat at Momo

Granpah Stare at Osukai

Osukai Hook at Tuvine


Swap Tuvine for Gyalis

Osukai Nito Seiho at Granpah

Granpah Hypnosis at Osukai

Momo Knockback at Granpah DEAD

Skunch is played.


Momo Undermine at Skunch.

Skunch Perfect Jab at Momo.

Gyalis Hook Kick at Momo DEAD

Osukai rests.

Myx is played.


Osukai Earthbreaker at Gyalis DEAD

Skunch Savage Suplex at Osukai

Myx Energy Manip. at Skunch DEAD

Tuvine and Tateru are played.


Osukai Nito Seiho at Tuvine OX

Tuvine Turbine at Osukai DEAD

Myx Crystal Spikes at Tuvine DEAD

Tateru Extra Energy Slam at Myx

Nagaise is played.


Gives up.